“Mitch Ditkoff, the Founder of The Year of Living Creatively, has the ability to awaken the creative spark in others — an ability he has honed and refined to a fine elixir over decades of teaching and writing. Be prepared to have your mind blown, your funny bone tickled, and your lights turned on. Mitch’s insights, empathetic listening, and presence have had a profound effect on my life.” – Michelle Cameron
“Mitch is part creativity shaman, Muse whisperer, writing coach, and mad poet. He employs all of these characters in the service of helping participants launch and bring to fruition their cherished projects.” — Mira Rubenstein
“The Year of Living Creatively is a wonderful course. It’s helped me clarify my vision of what I want to accomplish and create a roadmap to get it accomplished.” – Mark Stephen Miller
“I am ever so grateful for the Year of Living Creatively experience and for the expansion that I perceive in my consciousness and in my everyday life! This is truly one of the most wonderful gifts I have received from the universe and have given myself in a long time, especially after this outrageous pandemic experience. This course has been like the opening of the clouds after a storm and the joy of letting the warm sun shine into my skin.” — Mercedes Garcia